Food and Wine
There are so many typical foods and wine in the Marche culture: starting from high quality raw materials and a rich agriculture tradition, this territory produces foods and wines admired around the world. Not to miss are the selection of different cheeses, salami, truffles and pasta – without of course forgetting wine which is never missing at a meal.
TRUFFLES: Acqualagna is known as the City Of Truffles. Each year it hosts the internationally renowned Truffles Fair – (period Oct – November ). Truffles can be found year round and numerous restaurants offer these delicacies as part of their fixed menu.
WINE: Numerous types of wine are produced in the Marche. To be mentioned are surely, Verdicchio, Rosso dei Colli Pesaresi, Rosso Conero Rosso Piceno, Vernaccia, il Visner di Pergola and Bianchello del Metauro. Other typical food from this area include : Local beer production in Apecchio, Prosciutto from Carpegna, Crescia ( local bread ) to be tasted at the restaurants in the Castel of Frontone and Crescia Sfogliata ( local layered bread ) from Urbino, cherries from Cantiano, broad beans from Fratterosa and Moretta ( a drink based from rum , anisette and coffee ) from Fano. An infinity of foods to taste, discover and enjoy
OLIO: There are also many olive groves throughout le Marche region along with ancient olive mills where very high quality olive oil has been produced for centuries. Elected as one of Italy’s best is Cartoceto’s 'Olio Extravergine di Oliva DOP. It is fact remains the first and only Marche Olive Oil to obtain the DOP denomination. It is possible to visit olive oil mills which follow very old and strict traditions of cultivating and harvesting olives. Tasting of these prestigious oils are also possible by visiting Cartoceto’s ancient and picturesque mills.
FORMAGGIO: The main cheeses of this area include Caciotta di Urbino DOP e Pecorino di Fossa. Caciotta from Urbino is made from sheep ( 70-80% ) and cow milk ( 20-30%) with a brief aging of only 20 – 30 days. History states that Michelangelo was a great fan of this type of cheese ! Pecorino di Fossa is instead produced with pasteurized sheep milk and a small amount of goat or sheep milk. The farmers of this region used to hide their cheeses, 4 or 5 meters under ground, to save it from raid and bandits, the cheese gets it name from it where it ages – Fossa = Pit.
PASTA: Mant types of typical pasta distinguish le Marche such as :
- Maccheroncini : Long pasta with double the quantity of eggs if compared to standard pasta allowing delicate but always sound. The most famous are those produced in Campofilone.
- Vincisgrassi : Form of lasagna which originated in the Marche.
COLD CUTS: There are numerous types of cold cuts from this region To Taste: Ciauscolo, soft salami, typical of Ancona , Ascoli Piceno and Macerata area. It is very good “spread “ on a fresh piece of home made bread. Soppressata,Traditional of the Fabriano area, it is prepared with a mix of pork meats which are ground numerous times and then cubes of lard are added for flavoring.